
Get the job done at

your price

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Delivery Companies

Are Over Charging

An order through
current delivery apps
can incur up to a 91%
markup according to

Introducing the solution that fixes it all:


Here’s How Much

You Could Save With Multum

Here’s a sample trip:

From Washington Dulles Airport to The White House

32 minutes

Uber Lyft Multum
Customer Cost $57 $47 $40
Driver Pay $28 $23 $32

How it
Works for

How it
Works for

How it works for Customers

1. Describe
Your Job

Fill out the details of where the job is to and from and what type of job it is going to be (food delivery, rideshare, or item drop-off).

2. Choose
the price
for Your Job

With Multum, you decide the price you want to pay. No more rigid pricing; it's all about your budget, at no additional fees.

3. Post
The Job

Fill out the details of where the job is to and from and what type of job it is going to be (food delivery, rideshare, or item drop-off).

Benefits For Customers

Unprecedented Price Flexibility

For the first time ever, YOU get to choose the price


Customer Centric

We built the platform to address the needs and pain points of the average customer

State of the Art U/I

We have the most streamlined and quickest process for food delivery that exists

How it works for Drivers

1. Apply to Jobs

We don’t randomly assign jobs like everyone else. You can see all the details about a job upfront (exact price, distance of job, and etc.) and choose whichever job you want from a list. we don't deceive you. what you see is what you get.


2. Start the Job

Once your application is approved by the customer, you can start the job when you are ready.

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3. Get Paid

Once the job is completed, you get paid! it really is that simple.

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Benefits For Drivers

Make more than ever before

We take only a 20% commission of what the customer pays, which is 20% lower than the next lowest alternative


Complete Transparency

You get the exact price that you are going to get paid, all the job details, who you are picking up, and so much more upfront. We give drivers unprecedented transparency

Unparalleled Flexibility

Unlike other companies, we don’t randomly assign drivers jobs. You get to scroll through a list of jobs and choose whichever job you are most comfortable with.


Coming to DC in late


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